When Is a Pumpkin NOT Just a Pumpkin?

Learning for RCS’s littlest learners looks different than it does for our older counterparts, but it is no less important. 


Our PK3 students sat in a circle and rolled a big pumpkin from friend to friend. Look at all that learning!


What looks simple is actually very complex--  we used scientific thinking to figure out which way the pumpkin would roll best; on its side or end-over-end. We worked our large muscles as we sat up straight and stretched our legs wide so our friends had somewhere to aim the pumpkin. We practiced speaking out loud and proud, calling out our friends’ names when we were sending the pumpkin their way. Finally, the hard work of social/emotional growth was key. We took turns and had to be patient while waiting for a turn as roller and receiver. What if the pumpkin did not reach its intended receiver? Should we get upset if someone else gave it a push or be thankful that a friend helped it along?


Who knew such a simple task could involve so much learning?!